Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Reached" by Ally Condie

Judge a book by its cover
I read the first two books of the Matched series, I had to read the conclusion.

Cassia finally reached the Rising with Ky, only to be sent back to Central to work for the Rising from the inside.  Meanwhile, Ky has to stay in the Outer Providences to train as a pilot for the Rising with Cassia's new friend, Indie.

Once the Plague breaks out, the Rising begins.  The Pilot makes himself known, and the Rising provides the cure for everyone in the Society.  The transition from Society control to the Rising seems to be going smoothly.  Cassia begins working with the Archivists so she can stay in touch with Ky.  While trading, Cassia discovers that there is a need for people to express themselves through art, poetry, and songs, so she starts the Gallery, where people can gather to show off their creations, something that was never allowed in the Society.

But things can't stay good for long, because the Plague mutates and the cure doesn't work anymore.  More and more people are being still, and without a cure, are beginning to die.  Indie goes "rogue" and picks up Cassia and Xander on her ship and brings them back to Camas where the Pilot and Ky are; however, she did it for the Pilot, not Ky.  

The Pilot takes Xander, Cassia, and Ky to the outer villages to find the cure for the mutation.  Xander because he's a physic and the Pilot believes he can find the cure; Cassia because he thinks she holds the secret to the cure; and Ky because he's the most recent victim on the mutation and they need fresh samples.

Of course, Cassia finds the missing clue that is needed to make the cure so Xander can make it and save Ky, and then the rest of Society.

Humble Opinion
I really enjoyed the first two books, Matched and Crossed, but Reached seemed to go really slow.  I think Crossed was the best because it kept you in suspense and you just wanted Ky and Cassia to get together and finally reach the Rising, but with Reached,  there isn't much that goes on.  There's a Plague, but it's taken care of rather quickly.  Ky wants to steal a ship and get Cassia, but he never does. A mutation happens, but not really exciting happens with it.  Even when Indie picks up Xander and Cassia and she takes them to Ky, it's not very eventful.  It doesn't get eventful until Xander is accused of destroying the cure and killing Oker that things become interesting, but even that doesn't very last long.

Final say
I felt like Reached was a disappointing conclusion to a great series.  The story had to be wrapped up, but it just seemed to drag out.  There is a lot of waiting and internal monologues in Reached, but no real action.  I really liked the series, but the last book was a snoozefest.

Read Matched and Crossed, but then just know that Ky and Cassia end up together, and Xander finds love with a new girl, Lei.  The end.

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