Judge a book by its cover
The movie is a classic and one of my favorites, so I decided to give the book a go.
The Princess Bride is a timeless tale that pits good against evil, and love against all the odds. It's a story about Buttercup and Wesley, who must fight for their love against Prince Humperdick, the Fire Swamp, Court Rugen, Vizzini, and even death...
Humble Opinion
I love the movie, so I had high hopes for the book. And I really liked the book! The version I read was the one that the 1987 movie was based off because the author, William Goldman, talked about how his dad used to read the book to him when he was sick, and all the interruptions that young Fred Savage had when Peter Falk was reading were all the ones that he had as a kid. It was cute. And the movie stayed pretty true to the book.
There were a few difference between the book and movie. 1) The Zoo of Death. The movie didn't touch on that. There is actually a heart pounding journey that Fezzik and Inigo go through to get to Wesley in the Zoo of Death. 2) The movie doesn't touch on the torture that Wesley goes through before he is subjected to The Machine, but it would have been difficult to show/explain what was going on internally with Wesley during all that, so I understand. 3) The Miracle Pill is only temporary in the book! In the book the pill will only last for about 15 hours and then Wesley goes comatose or something?! (I didn't quite understand what was supposed to happen.) Wha-- you can't-- I'm glad the movie changed that!
Final say
If you liked the movie, you'll like the book, and vice versa! I appreciated how movie stayed close to the book, like the Harry Potter movies did. Don't change something that works! Good read!
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