Thursday, September 2, 2010

NOW you're interested?

Today I had two interviews: 1 for an assistant position to the co-owner of a talent agency, and the other for Red Lobster. LOL I went to the Assistant position first because it was the first job interview I got in my field that paid! I was excited! So I went in and met with the HR director, who was intense and asked questions very quickly, which made me respond quickly. LOL It was like:
Him: "What is your strongest attribute?"
Me: "I'm organized."
Him: "What do you look for in a boss."
Me: "Someone who can give positive feed back and not criticize all the time."
I felt like I was filling out a questionnaire! It was funny to me. So I must have passed his round of the interview, because he handed me over to a past assistant, who was not a junior agent. She told me to expect as Jon's assistant. He warned me that he was very intense (and I'm thinking, "More intense than rapid fire over here?") and that he was constantly busy because he is in charge of promo work and voice overs so he is constantly booking people and it's a very fast paced job. She said she was his assistant for a year but it felt like 10 years but it flew by so fast... What the heck does THAT mean? But she also said that he is the best person to learn the business from and if you work with him, you can do anything... So that seemed slightly ominous and I admitted that the position scared me a little. LOL She said that a thick skin was needed for the job, and honestly, I don't know if I have that, but what a better way to learn that having to grow it immediately?

After I talked to her, I talked to another past assistant who was now the other co-owner's assistant, and she said that Jon was intense and put on a front, but was a actually a big softie and respected people who stuck up for themselves. She said that she had called him out a few times about being rude and that an earlier assist actually got in his face a couple of times, but her and him are now really close and she is actually heading up the LA branch that they just opened! I just can't imagine myself "yelling" at my boss... It's the Midwest mentality I suppose.

So then I had to rush to my interview in Secaucus for Red Lobster. I get there after it took me FOREVER to get out of the City and I find out that the position had already been filled... The assistant manager came and told me that they expected me yesterday. I told her that I called on MONDAY and had my interview rescheduled to today because I couldn't make it yesterday because of my other job. She asked who I spoke to (LIKE I WOULD REMEMBER) because they never got the message... UGH! WAY TO GO STUPID HOSTESS!!! When I called on Monday, I asked if I could come in that day for the interview since I couldn't make it Wednesday. She then tells me that he has a meeting the next day... Okay. I asked to reschedule for TODAY. So then she reschedules me for Thursday but doesn't tell anyone! I hate her whoever she is.

So now I don't have any second job prospects and one possible scary assistant position that I won't know if I received for another week or 2. LOL Then I received an email about another talent agent assistant position that is part time at a small firm. So, I may have an interview with them soon. I want an income. I NEED an income.

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