Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Ruined" by Paula Morris

Judge a book by its cover
The book looked cool.  That's why I picked it up.

Rebecca has to move to New Orleans for the school year to live with her aunt Claudia while her dad travels on business.  But as far as Rebecca is concerned, New Orleans might as well be a completely different planet with how different it is from her home New York.  Her aunt reads tarot cards for a living, she attends a snooty prep school were family names  and Mardi Gras mean everything, and her only friend is Lisette, who just so happens to be a ghost.  The ultimate question is - why can Rebecca see Lisette?

Humble Opinion

It was a fun ghost story.  New Orleans has always seemed like such a foreign and mystical place to me full of history and lore, so I was thrilled that this ghost story took place in New Orleans.  I feel like if ghosts do exist, then New Orleans is the ghost mecca!!

I enjoyed how cleverly Ruined was written.  I felt like I learned about New Orlean's past and culture, yet Paula Morris kept the story moving and didn't give everything a way in the beginning.  Morris wrote Ruined in such a way, that you had sudden "aha!" moments, yet you still didn't know everything.  She kept you guessing as to who was really good and bad up until the very end!  I really appreciated that.

Final say
Very interesting book!  If you like ghosts and mysteries, then you'll really like this book!

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