I went to my first bar this weekend. And by that I mean the first time I've gone to the bar scene in New York City. It was for Carolyn's 25th surprise birthday party that her boyfriend, Ronnie set up. We went to a bar called Turtle Bay Tavern. It was $40 all-you-can-drink, SUPPOSEDLY top shelf but... I don't know if it was for sure of not because I was drinking Malibu and Cokes all night. There was a line but it didn't take too long to get in. I was afraid that Carolyn was going to see me and her other friend in line, but she walked right by us listening to her headphones. LOL
So we get in and go to the back where Carolyn's party is waiting. Ronnie was able to coax her to come out because it was actually Ronnie's friend, Brian's birthday. I was afraid that Carolyn wouldn't show up... but she made her way to the back and we all yelled surprise and sang Happy Birthday. (Brian sang it to himself. LOL) She was surprised and very happy. =) I was afraid I was going to feel "left out" because I don't know most of Carolyn's friends from her PT classes, but her sister Marie was there, and she's so much like Carolyn I can talk to her easy. I also knew a few other people like Jose, Brian, and Cory, but not well enough to hold a conversation. So Carolyn said hi to everyone and Ronnie brought out a birthday cake for her. (This kid went all out! Flowers, balloons, a birthday cake, planning a surprise party... me thinks he's in love. LOL)
After all the conversing, we heard there was a dance floor on the second floor so Marie and I headed up and Car was to follow. The music was great! The bar was PACKED! Somehow Marie was able to squeeze her way in and order drinks for us and then we went up on the balcony because there was more room and it was cooler up there. Car and Ronnie met up with us after a few. The BEST part was when a bartender "BIG RICH" got up on the bar and started dancing to one of the songs.

I cannot remember the song... It was an older rock song but I feel in love with him at that moment! LMAO. He was a bigger guy, so I was automatically physically attracted to him, but then when he got on the bar to dance... That did it for me. <3
After a few songs Carolyn wanted to head back down, but it was too warm downstairs so we headed BACK up to the dance floor. It had cleared out a little and the music was still rocking so we were dancing by the bar. Another bartender got up on the bar and climbed to the balcony and hung upside down then walked across the girder...
It was insane. Two songs later girls started dancing on the bar and the bartenders were encouraging it! It was crazy! One of Carolyn's friends, Anton got up on the bar to dance with them, but they took him down because he was a guy. LOL Then, somehow, Marie and Carolyn were on the bar dancing! I thought they went up for drinks and next thing I knew, they were on the bar! It was hilarious! THEN they started dancing with MY FUTURE HUSAND "Big Rich"! LOL I was so jealous. =)
All-in-all, the bar was awesome and even though my friend Dan didn't show up, I had so much fun and better yet, I know Carolyn had a blast at her surprise birthday party. =)
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