where they were having a John Lennon memorial because of his birthday so there were flowers and people singing Beatles/John Lennon songs. Then Shannon and I tried to find the Belvedere Castle but had trouble finding it... We ran into the creatively named "Lake" which, as you may have guessed, is a lake. And then we made our way up the big Res, when we realized we had PASSED the Castle! So we trucked back down and found it after finding the miniature Washington Monument. LOL Shannon didn't believe the castle really existed. She was "90% it doesn't really exist". LMAO.
After the park we went to grab lunch in Times Square. I was trying to take her to Junior's, but I couldn't find it so we ate a Au Par. When I had to leave her for a while so I could go to work for a few hours to train. =( But she explored Times Square a little and went up the Empire State Building so she had a good time. After work I picked her up and we went back to my place to just chill the rest of the night.
The next day we planned to walk the Brooklyn Bridge, grab ice cream and explore New York but I was having a heck of a time trying to navigate! First, thanks to me, we got lost on the PATH train because it was the first time I was taking it and I got off at Grove Street, thinking it was Grove Street in NEW YORK because that's what my MAP SAID. But it turns out we were ACTUALLY in Jersey City... Go me. So we wondered around there for 30 minutes because I thought we were in New York even though I told her it looked too residential. HA! I WAS RIGHT! So once we got back on to the PATH and made it to the city I tired to get us to the Fulton Street area, and THANKFULLY my friend Dan decided to meet up with us because I was so lost! We briefly walked through Greenwich before hoping on the subway to get to Fulton and while I was taking us to another subway to get to the bridge, it turns out we were AT the bridge and had I just TURNED AROUND I would have saw it. Wow. Luckily Dan saw us and corrected my ignorance. LOL So we walked across the bridge. It was gorgeous weather. We got to Brooklyn and I took them past Grimaldi's Pizza, where the line was ridiculously long as always, to Brooklyn's Ice Cream Factory which has awesome ice cream!
Once back in Manhattan, I TRIED to take us to Chelsea Piers and Battery Park but... nope. We ended up in the Financial District and I took them... I don't even know where. But we saw the Irish Famine Memorial which is really cool actually. So the second day was spent with me being lost in the city/Jersey dragging poor Shannon around. I felt so bad! I need to brush up on my navigation skills before my next tourists come!
Earlier this week my friend Rachel came down from upper New York to take my headshots for me. I hadn't seen her in awhile so I was so excited! I ended up meeting her a lot later than I wanted to because I ended up working later I thought and had to get my haircut first, but we went to Central Park for photos. We found out that we both have the same car! I had to drive into the city and miraculously I found a parking spot next to Central Park and we passed my car on the way in, and she told me we have the same car! Love it. But anyway, she took 170 some pictures for me which I REALLY appreciate and can't WAIT to see! I know that I'm going to have a hard time choosing which ones to make my headshots but that's better than hating them and having to settle! After a few hours in the park and me trying to find the castle again (I failed) we headed back to my car and on the way we passed JERRY SEINFELD!!! He was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, but it was totally him! He was my first celebrity encounter on the streets of New York! I met Haylie Duff, Ashley Greene, and Kelsey Grammer at their shows, and Wilson Heredia (Angel from the original RENT and the movie) at his agent's office, but this was the first "OMG I SEE A CELEBRITY TRYING TO BE INCOGNITO encounter! Unfortunately Rachel didn't see him, so I don't have verification. =( But I know it was him. It had to be... I'm 90% sure.
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